Sugar & Ethanol
Brazil ranks number ONE in the world for sugar, with annual production in excess of 35 MMt. It stands to reason that SMAR, located in the center of the Brazilian sugar industry (SP), would focus its R&D efforts on solutions for sugar and ethanol (S&E) production.
SMAR's first control system in a sugar process was installed in 1979, to control the feed, crushing, and conveyor processes. Today 37 years later, countless instrumentation & control solutions can be found installed globally, reducing the operational costs and improving productivity of numerous S&E producers.
Process cells that have benefitted include:
Cane Preparation
Cane Weight Measurement
Turbine Speed Control
Conveyor Belts Control
Cane Cutters
Bearings Temperature
Lubricating Oil pressure controls
Motor Command & Interlocks
Mill Tandems
Cane Level at 1st Tandem
Upper Roll Floatation
Turbine Speed Control
Imbibition Water Control
Cell Level Control
Cell Temperature Control
Imbibition Water Control
pH Correction
Juice Treatment
Sulphated Juice pH
Milk of Lime preparation
Mud Tank Level
Rotary Filter Control
Multiple Effects Evaporators Level Control
Syrup Brix Monitoring & Alarm
Vacuum in last Effect Control
Syrup Flotation
Syrup Flow & Temperature Control
Brix Monitoring
Additives Dosage Control
Vacuum Pans ( both Batch & Continuous)
Calender Steam Pressure Control
Masseicute Feeding Control
Vacuum Control
Syrup, Molasses, Magma Tank Level
Molasses Dilution Control
Centrifuges (both Batch & Continuous)
Centrifuge Cycle Control
Dryer Air Temperature Control
Sugar Temperature Control
Must Flow Control
Fermentation Tank Level Control
Yeast Flow Control
Automatic Clean Cycle
A,B,C & P Column Pressure Control
Anhydrous Alcohol Production Control
Columns & Condensers Temp. Monitoring
Storage Tank Farm Automation
The strategic alliance formed between SMAR and Majulah Controls, enables the delivery of this cutting-edge industrial automation to the sugar & ethanol producers in Asia Pacific (APAC) as well.